Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
After more than 55 years, we have slightly changed our cooperative approach in order to adapt to the needs of the community. As we have done in previous years, parents are not required to join the cooperative part of the school. Parents will be given a discount ONLY if they are interested in working for the school. Positions to work for the school include: Executive Board positions-President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Our Board of Trustees has been streamlined to the Executive Board, two Publicity/Photography trustees, two Ways & Means trustees and Class Leaders (one per class). If there are enough families who wish to “work” for the school, they will be placed as a committee member for either for Ways and Means/Fundraising or Special Functions as needed.
Non-cooperative tuition means that a family pays the published rate and is not required to participate in any aspect of the cooperative as described above. This is made available for families who want the Smoke Rise Nursery School experience for their child but do not have the availability to participate in the cooperative program. However, families that opt for full-tuition can still be part of the school by participating in class parties and fundraisers.
Registration forms will be accepted from alumni and new families at the Open House in January. Since space is limited you should inform the school as soon as possible if you intend to register. Your registration fee, along with your completed application holds your spot. If classes become full, your name will be placed on our waiting list and you will be notified first if a spot becomes available. The registration fee is non-refundable.
Registration forms will be accepted from alumni and new families at the Open House in January. Since space is limited you should inform the school as soon as possible if you intend to register. Your registration fee, along with your completed application holds your spot. If classes become full, your name will be placed on our waiting list and you will be notified first if a spot becomes available. The registration fee is non-refundable.
In the two-and-a-half-year-old class there are up to 12 children with one teacher and two aides. In the three-year-old class there are up to 16 children with one teacher and two aides. In the four-year-old class there are up to 18 children with one teacher and one aide.
Yes the teachers do have a written curriculum and work closely with the Kinnelon School District, meeting annually with the Kinnelon School Director of Education and kindergarten teachers to ensure that our students are receiving the best education possible that will prepare them for a successful transition to kindergarten. Our curriculum is a play-based format and the skills that are required for present day kindergarten are carefully integrated into activities where children are exploring, interacting, discovering and having fun. Hands on learning is how young children learn best. The classroom centers are set up to help children develop cognitive, social and emotional skills. Each center develops different skills.
Students should preferably be potty trained. However, we are aware that all children have accidents and we do have a change of clothing available and ask parents to have a change of clothing in their child's backpack if this does occur. If it seems to be a persistent problem, we will discuss it with you to try to find a suitable solution.
Please note: the above does not apply to the two-and-a-half-year old class. Parents must provide: diapers, wipes and a change of clothes.
Siblings are not allowed to attend field trips. Our insurance policy does not cover additional children who are not enrolled in the school. The field trips are a nice opportunity for you and your child to spend time together. Field trips are never discussed in class, so if for some reason your child cannot attend, he/she will not know that he/she has missed it.
We typically have five to six small fundraisers throughout the school year. Money raised throughout the year are used to help the school in many ways, including keeping the tuition costs low and purchasing supplies for the classroom. Some fundraisers include, Scholastic Book Fair, football pools, pies, and a mum sale.
Yes, our school is a "Nut free" food environment to ensure the safety of children who have food allergies. Thank you for your understanding!
Smoke Rise Nursery School
38 North Road, Kinnelon, New Jersey 07405, United States
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